Brian Hulbert

Program Lead

Brian Hulbert

Our program lead is in charge of our overall program, ensuring that all students interested in building satellites can join us on our mission.

Angelika Bouley

Operations Lead

Angelika Bouley

Our operations lead oversees project goals on a more immediate time scale and facilitates internal coordination between specific projects.

John Kerr

Technical Coordinator

John Kerr

Our technical coordinator facilitates higher level systems-side integration within each specific project.

Madhav Kapa


Madhav Kapa

Our webmaster is responsible for designing and updating this website and maintaining our project’s internal wiki page.


Julia Keadey


Julia Keadey

Our avionics team handles all of the software and mathematical calculations responsible for in-orbit operations. Programming, complexity analysis, and control flow are among tasks that avionics is responsible for.

Matt O'Rourke

Space Mechanics

Matt O'Rourke

Our mechanical team develops and assembles the structural and mechanical elements of our satellites.

Jack Hester


Jack Hester

Our electrical team is responsible for how power and data is distributed throughout the satellite. Power analysis, circuit design, and data bus design are all handled by electrical.

Ryan Boyd

Flight Ops

Ryan Boyd

Our flight operations team conducts orbital simulations, trajectory analysis, and calculates optimal orbital parameters for our missions.

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